AWAKEN! To heal and open to happiness.
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
Lao Tzu
My Story, Journey & Learnings
I’ve come to learn that in every family someone is born with this great purpose:
to awaken, to start healing the hurt and stop passing RELATIONAL trauma to future generations.
Let That Person Be YOU!
Be the awakened one that starts the journey of self-discovery, healing and real personal development.
And then, share that wisdom with others.
You will create a life filled with meaning.
You will contribute to elevating the collective consciousness.
And you will open to happiness!

You cannot move through life untouched. Many of us experience trauma early in life.
And it does not have to be an overt event directed to you like physical, psychological or sexual abuse.
Unintentional neglect, emotionally unavailable parents, witnessed domestic abuse, addicted parents, separation or divorce, poverty, inequality and discrimination and other adverse childhood experiences (ACE) can make you feel like you are not being seen and considered and become covert relational traumatic experiences that stay in the way of your happiness and fulfilment in life.

Like many of us, perhaps you are the child of some traumatised parents and grandparents that have endured war, famine and social injustice? Have you absorbed their pain and their dysfunctional relationship patterns and now you have a weak sense of boundaries?
Perhaps you’ve suffered physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse that made you distrust people? Maybe you’ve been neglected, your needs and wishes were not important and you never felt loved, cherished, appreciated and special which affected your attachment style?
Possibly you’ve been abandoned, dragged into separations, divorce and adult drama which now makes your relationships difficult. Maybe your caregivers suffered with addiction or other mental illness. Or perhaps you’ve been discriminated, prejudiced and treated unfairly by others which left a mark on your cofidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
What stems out of your traumatic past, whether inherited or lived, is the relational trauma followed by a wide range of feelings like anxiety, depression, rage, compulsions, dependency, and sometimes shame and guilt. And to cope, you keep working. You keep distracted. You deny or supress your pain.
you wonder how i know it?
Hi, I’m Nicoleta! I was born into a family dominated by relational trauma, abuse and addiction. And at some point the pain became so unbearable that I had no choice than to awaken and start healing the hurt. I started my inner work and as I moved through my journey of real personal development I finally opened to happiness.
Throughout the 2 decades I spent in the world of psychology and therapy and thousands of hours of clinical and research practice I learned many valuable lessons and I remained committed to my own personal transformation journey. On the way, I also guided many others turn their traumatic past into connection, happiness and fulfilment.

One of my greatest lessons taught me that challenges show up in our lives for a reason. They come to teach us something, but it is not always easy to see it when we live in confusion, trauma and pain.
Often we waste our valuable time trying to resist adversities, to deny their existence or to pretend they are not important. That does not make them go away though!
As a survivor of childhood trauma I struggled in life a lot and my studies and training did not help much. I remember starting my career feeling completely helpless in my role as a clinical psychologist in a palliative care hospital, working with the dying and their too many regrets, unfulfilled dreams and ruptured relationships left behind.
Time passed and despite my clinical work, personal therapy and ongoing training in psychology, psychotherapy and counselling, I was still very much trapped in my programmed mind when I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in my mid 40s. What saved me was a profound spiritual awakening I had from the bed of an A&E department in a London hospital when I nearly died from a chest infection, two months into my very challenging chemotherapy treatment.
Building on that presence and conscious awareness I transcended the pain and I finally surrendered to what was. I turned within and I started to heal the trauma passed on to me through generations, and that finally ignited my real transformation process. Empowered by my new mantra “I have the choice” I learned to live a more mindful life and I found the clarity and the inner peace I’ve been searching for.
When I reflect on my life journey these days I can see with clarity that everything I experienced in my private, social and professional life was meant to happen to bring me where I am today. My mystical grandmother that brought me up, my traumatic childhood, my relationship struggles, my illness, my many losses, my perfectionism and workaholism have all brought me precious teachings and have informed my work and career all along.
I lived for the most part of my life blinded by my mental programming! Not anymore! I have now learned my lessons! I have found mental clarity! I regained my freedom! I liberated myself!
These days I find great purpose in helping happiness seekers “liberate” themselves too.
To help you heal your relational trauma, my programmes create a bridge between psychology, anthropology, epigenetics, quantum physics, logotherapy, transpersonal psychology and eastern spirituality traditions. They are designed to guide you escape your tunnel mind and release your pain so you can open to joy and happiness and the infinite possibilities life has to offer you.
what keeps you stuck
You are overwhelmed by traumatic pain and betrayal in relationships that make it hard to feel joyful and alive.
You struggle to understand relational trauma and don’t know where to start in your self-discovery, healing and personal growth journey.
You have awakened, but you lack clarity and direction in life, and you feel confused with what you should be doing next.
You are struggling to maintain a sense of presence and mindful living and get trapped in overthinking, worrying and negativity.
Be kind with yourself. After decades of brainwashing, conditioning and trauma you need time to heal and adjust to a new way of being.
liberate yourself
With guidance you can learn to practice conscious awareness and go deeper into your inner work. This will help you rewire your brain and through the process of neuroplasticity you will create a new mind, the mind of your choice.
A consistent mindful practice will help you in time to heal and gradually escape the prison of your programmed/traumatised mind to step into the freedom and liberation you crave to have in life.
If you are ready to unstuck yourself from relational struggles, to step out of confusion and release the unnecessary pain and suffering you carry within you, I will guide you.
If you are ready to transcend your limitations, to learn about yourself, others and the world and grow relational attunement, I will show you the way.
If you are ready to accept the ambivalence of life and remain open to joy and fulfilment despite the shadows from the past, the unpleasantness of the current relationship challenges and the worries for the future, I will counsel you.
To work with me check out my programmes here.
To come into my inner circle join the community here.
MSc in CBT
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Psychology
PgDip in Clinical Hypnosis & Ericksonian Psychotherapy
PgDip in Therapeutic Counselling
AdvDip in Hypno-Psychotherapy & Mindfulness
NLP Master Practitioner Certificate
Certified Empowerment Life Coach
Psychologist | Counsellor | Psychotherapist | NLP Master Practitioner | Coach
MSc, BSc Hons, GradDip Psy, PgDip ClinHyp, AdvDip, PgDip, MPNLP, CLC
BPS – British Psychological Society
BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
UKCP -United Kingdom of Counsellors and Psychotherapists
NSHPM – National Society of Hypnosis, Psychotherapy & Mindfulness
CNHC – Complementary and Natural Health Council
CPR – Council of Romanian Psychologists
Professional Standards Authority – Accredited Register